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HomeWho Are WeContact Us

Contact Us

Get in touch via the form or contact details below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. For all media or fundraising enquiries, see further information below.

Want to make sure a phone call is genuine?

A trusted team of telefundraising professionals reaches out on our behalf to connect with our potential supporters across New Zealand.

They’ll share what Child Cancer Foundation does, how each dollar makes a difference and how to set up a regular donation with us over the phone.

They also get in touch with our current supporters to make sure we have their latest contact details and discuss ongoing contributions.
If you receive a call from our telefundraising partners, they will use these numbers:



Still not sure? Please feel free to call us directly at 0800 424 453 to verify any concerns and we’ll be happy to help.

For all media enquiries please contact:

Sarah Hart
Email: sarahh@childcancer.org.nz
Ph: 021714088

Need some help with fundraising or to want get your business involved with Child Cancer Foundation?

Contact our Supporter Care Team:

Email: donations@childcancer.org.nz
Ph: 0800 4 CHILD

Family Places

Our Family Places are a safe place for children and families to take time out from the hospital and to meet with Child Cancer Foundation staff and other families in a friendly, comfortable environment.