Get Ready for Street Appeal 2025!
Friday 14 March - Saturday 15 March 2025
Child Cancer Foundation’s Nationwide Street Appeal is back for 2025 and we urgently need as many volunteers as we can get all over the motu! Volunteers are a critical part of helping us raise the funds we need to support tamariki with cancer and their families in Aotearoa.
Will you join us on Friday 14 or Saturday 15 March 2025?
This is a fun and rewarding way to support families going through the toughest time of their lives. Every dollar you collect will go towards helping families impacted by childhood cancer.
Here’s how you can get involved:
💙 Adopt-a-Site
Got some people power? Adopt a collection site by getting your organisation, school or community group together to collect donations for one or both days. Perfect if your workplace offers time off to volunteer and do good in your community! Register your interest now and we will help you find a local site that’s best for you and your team.
💙 Collect on a two-hour shift
Can’t commit to a full day? That’s okay! You can still make an impact by volunteering for just two hours to help collect donations in your community. Our volunteer portal will be open in the next few weeks. Keep an eye on our social media channels and make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter to be the first to know.
💙 Donate on the day
On Friday 14 and Saturday 15 March, keep an eye out for our friendly volunteers with their blue buckets and sashes. Every dollar goes a long way. Even better, help us get started and build momentum by donating to our Street Appeal online now.
💙 Share the love
Volunteering or donating not an option? We understand! You can still do heaps of good by simply sharing our posts on your social media, telling your friends about our Street Appeal, and expressing your gratitude when you see our collectors out on the street. The more people who know, the more donations can flow.
With no government funding, Child Cancer Foundation needs to raise $6.5 million a year to wrap essential care around Kiwi kids with cancer and the families who love them. Our nationwide Street Appeal is a great way to show your support to these families no matter your circumstances.