HomeNewsQ&A With Camp Quality’s Dave Bellamy Sept 19 2024
HomeNewsQ&A With Camp Quality’s Dave Bellamy Sept 19 2024

Where kids can be kids again

Child Cancer Foundation has happily referred families to Camp Quality since the programme’s inception in the 1980s. It’s a place where tamariki with cancer can remember what it’s like to just be a child and have fun.

Welcome to Camp Quality!

Camp Quality runs one-week Summer Camps and weekend Winter Camps for tamariki aged 5-16 who’ve been diagnosed with cancer. Every camper gets matched up with a Companion—a buddy to share all the fun with. 

The camps are packed with activities designed for different ages and abilities, all in a safe, stress-free environment. With a top-notch team of staff and medical support, Camp Quality makes sure the kids are having fun while staying safe.  

We recently interviewed their General Manager Dave Bellamy. Here’s what he had to share. 

When you think of what CQ provides kids, what do you think delivers the most impact and brings you the most joy?

Camp Quality provides an environment for ‘kids to just be kids again’. Whilst this seems a simple statement it actually holds significant and often profound meaning for the tamariki and rangitahi who come to camp. 

It is a time to connect with others who have a lived experience of cancer, in a setting where the child is not the odd one out. They make new friends, renew old friendships and form important social connections.  

Activities use a strengths-based informal diversion therapy approach to help children recognise their own strengths and abilities and develop new coping skills, resilience tools, self-esteem, self-efficacy and enhanced social well-being. All of these are essential for a child to have a successful cancer journey and thrive once they are in remission or cancer free.  

For whānau, they get respite from the challenges of having tamariki with cancer. It gives them important time to recharge their emotional batteries, and siblings get critical time to reconnect with their parents.  

It is perhaps the sight of the kids running around just like any other child having an absolute ball with their friends that gives you the greatest emotional reward. For that week, they get to just be a kid again.  

What’s Camp Quality’s relationship with Child Cancer Foundation?

Child Cancer Foundation and Camp Quality have had an important relationship for many years. We often work with the same families, the same kids — we just come from slightly different places. We work directly with the kids to provide the fun, hope and happiness so often lacking for children on a cancer journey.  

Child Cancer Foundation supports families to help navigate their child’s cancer journey. Many of the children who attend camp are referred by Child Cancer Foundation.  

The future of our relationship is going to be about collaboration and joint service delivery. There are exciting opportunities for us to work together more intentionally for the benefit of the families and children we support.  

What makes being a Companion an exceptional volunteer opportunity?

Being a Camp Quality Companion is a truly unique volunteering opportunity. Companions are with their Camper 24/7 during camp, helping them have the most amazing time possible.  

For many of our Companions, their relationship with their Camper extends well beyond the week of a camp. It is not unusual for Companions to almost become part of that Camper’s family.  

If people are interested in volunteering, they can head over to our volunteer page and get in touch.  

Here’s the link to Finbar’s story — a former Camper. This is testament to the impact of their time with Camp Quality and the sense of whānau that comes from being at camp.  

What do families say about Camp?

“Just wanted to share with you some of the things our family are grateful for receiving through CQ. 

Firstly, the independence camp has given Josie is beyond words, from a shy, unsocial, scared little 9yr old you guys met in 2017, to this confident, loud, not so quiet young lady she now is with only attending 1 camp. It’s all thanks to CQ and the awesome way you guys treat our babies. 

From our family though, there is not enough words to show our gratitude for what CQ has done for our family. 

CQ gave me and Cliff (mum and dad) our first real break since Josie being diagnosed, away from our girl in 3 years. That meant so much to our other boys cause they’ve felt a tad left out and that break meant that we could do some special things we haven’t done for a very long time. 

Camp Quality has done things for us that we never thought would be possible ever again xo xo 

Thank you everyone at Camp Quality for making oncology life bearable.” 

– The Phillips Family 

Who is camp ideal for?

Camp is aimed at tamariki and rangitahi aged from 5-16yrs who are living with cancer but who are not on intensive active treatment. 

What is CQ’s vision, and what are its key values?

Our Vision:  

Fun, hope and happiness is given to children living with cancer. 

Our Mission:

To deliver high quality recreational activities and camps for children and young people (5-16 years) living with cancer. 

To build resilience in our children and young people by creating opportunities for them to learn to live, laugh and enjoy being children in a positive, safe and stress-free environment. 

To develop the skills and competencies of our Companions and volunteers while ensuring the highest standards of safety and ethical behaviour. 

To build a sustainable and resilient organisation. 

Our Values:  

  • Children at the heart 
  • Ko Ngā Tamariki Te Pūtake 
  • Safe, sorted and smiling 
  • Haumaru, tātari, koa 
  • Like-minded good people 
  • He Tangata Whakaaro Ōrite 
  • Togetherness 
  • Kotahitanga 

“No one can do anything about the quantity of anyone’s life, but all of us can do something about the quality.”  

Vera Entwistle, Founder of Camp Quality 

You can learn more about how Camp Quality works on their website.