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Stay up to date with all the latest news, updates and educational articles.
14 October 2021
Throughout their experience with childhood cancer, whānau will cross paths with many healthcare professionals who are there to help in different areas. Today we’d…
30 September 2021
One of the more surprising side-effects of parenthood is feeling guilty about a lot of stuff, a lot of the time. We can feel guilty that we’re not…
23 September 2021
When a child is diagnosed with cancer their siblings, friends and classmates can find it difficult to understand, and they often have many questions.…
13 September 2021
When a child successfully finishes their cancer treatment, it is not the end of the story. While they may not have any detectable cancer…
Take a look at some of the key differences between childhood and adult cancers
12 August 2021
Cancer can be difficult for your child's brothers or sisters. It's common for siblings to feel guilt, rejection, fear, depression, or anxiety.
29 July 2021
Helping children deal with obstacles and setbacks is a core part of parenting and teaching.
8 July 2021
Sometimes, dads need something that is just for them. For those who are impacted by childhood cancer, it’s even more important.
Keep up to date with all the latest Child Cancer Foundation news and information